No one shows up to their maternity session knowing how to pose.
Usually my clients are very vocal about how awkward they photograph or how nervous they are.
Don't worry guys, I've got you covered.
From the first time you contact me,it is my job to guide you every step of the way and to make you feel as relaxed as possible!!!
Lauren and Bryce may be seriously good looking people, but like everyone else they needed to be guided to get these magical photos.
Here are a few things I do every session to help you have a good experience.

I usually start with posing Mom by herself and ask Dad to be "my assistant". This is done on purpose you guys. Dads are usually the most nervous and by taking some pressure off them eases any tension they have right off the bat. I get to chit chat with Dad, who is usually standing right beside me holding my reflector.

While I'm chatting with Dad, I'm busy shooting Mom. I am big on giving direction. How can I possibly expect anyone to know what to do with their hands! Haha, get it? Trust me, I will tell you to drop your shoulder a bit, to turn your chin a little, relax those eyebrows (because no one wants forehead wrinkles, right?).

By the time I get Dad into some shots he's relaxed enough and he knows what to expect with how I pose and the guidance I give.
While I get that everyone knows what to do naturally, no one is going to "fake it" well for photos. That's why I do my best to have you act as naturally as possible.
Curious as to some of the things we did to get these fun shots?
I told Dad to walk ahead and pull Mom towards him in slow motion.
For the sitting poses I asked them to get in as close to each other as possible and asked Dad to smell Mom's ear. Then I asked him to whisper to her when was the first time he knew he wanted "to do really dirty things to her". It always gets such genuine laughter out of both people!

All you need to do is show up looking your best, tell me what your best side is and relax and let me help you capture all your gorgeous moments together!
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