I think one of my absolute favorites besides snuggling newborns is seeing a baby dig into some cake for the first time! Cake smashes can be so much fun!! In every single session baby looks over to Mom and Dad with an "are you sure this is okay" facial expression...and when they get the "dig in it's your cake" permission hilarity ensues. I recently shot Sadie's cake smash. She was one of the most active "new to one" baby I've had in studio.

She not only had walking down but she was running everywhere! Usually babies I see for cake smashes aren't that sure of themselves. I for sure thought once the cake was in front of her she would devour it!

Mom bought her the cutest cake from Flavor Cupcakery and oh my did it smell delicious! We sat her down and gave her the go ahead and I waited to watch what was about to unfold.

She was a little hesitant to just dig in and no matter how much Mom and Dad tried to coax her she just couldn't get comfortable with it!

And guys for this very reason is why I began offering a "Splash after Smash" with every session! Mom and Dad didn't get the smiles out of her that they had hoped but I knew that once we let Sadie splash around in a bath her personality would come out!

She had a blast splashing around in the suds! And I was so happy I got to hear so many baby giggles!! I was able to capture Sadie at ONE for Mom and Dad just as they see her at home!